Paths to Discovery the campaign for the new Willow River Nature Center
It is time for a new nature center. The current nature center was a modest mid-century home that existed on property acquired to form Willow River State Park. Our programming has outgrown this beloved structure, and we have worn it out.
The new nature center will deliver:
A welcoming design that will entice visitors to enter, explore, learn, and become well informed as they begin their park visit
A public area that can serve large groups year-round
Full accessibility including family restrooms
Animal care/workroom
Flexible space that can easily be arranged for multiple classrooms, meeting space, or large group needs
A larger and updated museum area
Educational space to serve groups of up to 200
New rentable space to offset operating costs
Increased office space to accommodate more staffing for program and activity growth
Enlarged retail space supporting sales of park memorabilia, clothing, guidebooks and children’s items
Outdoor learning space
Demonstration plots of native plantings to attract native fauna
Opportunities for nature observation
Energy Efficiency
Utilization of natural light
The Campaign for the new Willow River Nature Center
New Nature Center
Our region has the natural beauty. We have the experts and dedicated volunteers to help us maximize enjoyment of that beauty. Now we need an exceptional focal point, a gathering place that welcomes not only those who come to learn or play, but also tells the story of the land they are about to enjoy. What we envision will put our bond, our legacy, our responsibility into context for all who come.
A successful capital campaign will allow us to replace the current, aging building with a new and larger facility sited near the current location, nestled into the surrounding natural environment. A bright, welcoming design will meet the needs of all anticipated users, including casual visitors, school groups, campers, hikers and skiers.
The new Nature Center will be designed as a destination and a springboard to outdoor activity, attracting more visitors to the park and to the programming our Friends group offers. Together, we can create this state-of-the-art facility that will inspire and serve our growing community for generations to come and embrace the opportunity to partner with local health care agencies and initiatives to improve our state’s overall health and well-being.